Sateen Bed Sheets and Percale Bed Sheets


There’s a wise old adage that says because we spend a third of our lives in bed, we should invest in a great mattress.

But don’t stop with the mattress. There’s another old saying about spoiling a great recipe with cheap ingredients, and the same holds true for your bed. Why buy a great mattress only to cover it in lousy bedding?

With so many options on the market, buying new bed sheets can be a confusing process.

Here are some things to look for if you’re in the market for new sheets.

Sateen and Percale

There’s no question that when it comes to softness and quality the best cotton sheets are either Percale or Sateen. More expensive than standard short-weave cotton sheets, both utilize high-quality long-staple cotton; the difference between Percale and Sateen lies mainly in the type of weave.


A traditional one-yarn-over and one-yarn-under weave, Percale typically features a matte finish and a crisp, cool feel that improves with every wash. Its superior durability means it won’t pill over time. It’s lightweight and breathable, which means it’s perfect for warmer sleepers.


Sateen is the closest thing you can get to satin -- without the high cost and fragile nature of that expensive fabric. The one-yarn-under and three-yarn-over weave exposes more thread surface, giving Sateen a silky feel and luxurious sheen. Naturally wrinkle-resistant, Sateen is more tightly woven and therefore typically heavier in weight than Percale, making it ideal for year-round comfort.

Choose your preference accurately as remember: You spend a third of your life in bed.


It’s your bed; it’s your choice.